Sunday, April 07, 2002

Waxing Poetic. Competitive intelligence is all about following news stroies and piecing together trends, moves and counter-moves. To quote from Edna St. Vincent Millay's First Fig:
My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends;
It gives a lovely light
Indeed, there are movements afoot and intrigue in the industry:The point of this is not only the news itself, but the fact that competitive intelligence is useful to all of us.
Late entry by Mike Tarrani - there is lag between the time these entries are written, and when one of us reviews and releases them. This is one case in which I have an additional item to add to what Kate has reported above.

I'll keep this editorial remark in the same spirit as Kate's report by quoting from Edna St. Vincent Millay's Second Fig, which is unerringly appropriate:

Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand
Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand

Yes, the security and reliability traits of certain products do appear to be palaces built upon the less-than-solid foundation of sand. The special report titled, IBM's Return to Dominance shows that systems built upon the solid foundation of reliability, availability and supportability - and security - bodes well for consumers.

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