Saturday, March 02, 2002

Components. If you're involved in component-based software development, Robert Fichman's paper titled Activity Based Management of Component-based Software Development is a well thought-out approach that provides a lot of insight. You can also download the paper in PDF format for off-line reading. You'll also want the accompanying tables if you download the base document.

Software Metrics. Robert Fetcke has a comprehensive list of software metrics sites that you'll want to bookmark. On the topic of metrics, version 4.1 of COSMOS, a software cost estimating tool from Oak Ridge ETSU Design Studio Group is a free tool that is both sophisticated and a step forward for project managers and estimators. I've been using this tool since it was first released in the mid-90s as SEAT.

Assurance. In my last entry in Postcards from the Revolution I discussed security standards, with a focus on international standards. One such standard is Common Criteria, discussed in previous entries. The Common Criteria is a security standard for assurance, which fits within the theme of this weblog. One specific article that is interesting is Banking Industry View of Common Criteria. If you work with the banking industry and are involved in either security or SQA this article is essential reading.

Risk and quality go together. You risk much if you take shortcuts to quality. An MS Word document titled, Can Quality Management Systems Improve Your Software Development and Business Performance? explores one half of the risk-quality relationship. A whitepaper titled Software Risk Management explores the other half. Additional papers can be found on the NIST Software Quality Group page.

End Notes. On 11 June 2001 I wrote a book review of Configuration Management for Software by Stephen B. Compton, Guy R. Conner, Joan R. Callahan. The book was out-of-print when I wrote the review, but because Amazon sells used books I thought the effort to write the review was worthwhile. I've read numerous books on the subject and this was the best one among them. I was recently contacted by one of the authors, Joan R. Callahan, who mentioned that a revised edition was being considered. If you have ideas and opinions about SCM, or want to voice your support and encouragement, please send Ms. Callahan your comments. I, for one, would love to see the book back in print.

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