Sunday, January 13, 2002

An XML resource worth bookmarking is This site has everything from the basics to advanced topics.

I was taking another mental trip to times past to recount some of the highlights in my life. One such event was a communications symposium I attended in 1986 in Indian Head, MD. It was there that I was treated to one of Admiral Grace Hopper's presentations. She was very frail when I saw her, and needed a little help getting to the podium, but once there an inner fire fueled her passion. That day the iconoclast who spent her life doing the right things for the right reasons, bureaucracy be damned, inspired us to always think out of the box and to eschew the phrase, we've always done it this way. I also took home one of her famous nanoseconds, which was a piece of wire approximately a foot long that represented the distance electricity traveled in a nanosecond. Her speech was pretty much what she had given thousands of times before, but hearing it from the lady herself was an honor and one of my life's memorable events.

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