Saturday, January 26, 2002

Universities are a great source of information. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia has a well written Project Management Guide that consists of the following sections:Each section contains artifacts in MS Word format that can be easily tailored to your own organization and project management methodology.

One of the best online guides I've found is the ITC Project Model, which is an ongoing work-in-progress at the University of Virginia. This model has associated guides, templates and other resources. I'll go so far as to assert that this model is a PM methodology-in-a-box.

Carnegie Mellon University, home of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has an information exchange called The Software Engineering Information Repository (SEIR). This is a free resource that is a part of the more extensive group of SEI resources and initiatives (including CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC) security resources and the SEI newsletter, news@sei interactive.)

The Software Engineering Information Repository provides a forum for the contribution and exchange of information concerning software engineering improvement activities. You must register in order to gain access to the wealth of information in the repository or participate in discussions; however, registration if free. The forum is called the SEIbank and is the heart of the information exchange goals of this site.

Since it's a beautiful Saturday in Southern California I am going to enjoy the rest of the day outside.

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