Muthukumar U shared
a web site and PowerPoint presentations that support
Data Modeling by G. Lawrence Sanders. The site has a wealth of material and the book, besides coming highly recommended by a trusted friend, received glowing reviews on Amazon. Muthukumar also provided a link to a promising new site that is still in early growth stages:
Enterprise Acceleration. Registration is free and the articles are interesting.
Note: Registration is not working correctly, but you can enter as a registered user regardless of whether or not you've registered. I suspect this backdoor will disappear as soon as their registration process is fixed.
Exploring Data Modeling's web site led to two other treasures: Success Instruments, which is a collection of IT critical success factors that is based on another book that Sanders coauthored titled Information Systems Success Measurement. The other treasure is a web site named Information Systems Effectiveness. This site is a goldmine for service delivery and IT operations professionals and consultants.
# posted by Mike Tarrani @ 3:51:00 PM