Tuesday, January 29, 2002
In my recent travels over and across the web in search of information on particular topics I found a few sites that exemplify what one can do with a personal web page. None of these sites are flashy, corporate entities - they are simple, filled with amazing content, and are an obvious labor of love. Here are the ones that most impressed me:
- DevelopSense, which is run by Michael Bolton and Nichola Lenehan is distinguished by a wealth of Testing & QA Resources and some exceptionally well-written Software engineering essays.
- Thomas B. Cox's page is an Oracle DBA's dream come true. Among the resources that set this site apart are: DBA Maturity Model and a large number of papers on backup and recovery, DBA checklist and more. If you're a DBA you'll love the site.
- Luigi Buglione's page has a cache of quality-related content in the Publications and presentations sections. Many of the documents and presentations are in Italian, but many are in English. An interesting feature is the page devoted to QEST & LIME models. QEST stands for Quality factor + Economic, Social and Technical dimensions, and LIME stands for LIfecycle MEasurement. If you've been following my references to ETVX you can also download a PDF document on the ETVX process model from this site.
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