Saturday, January 05, 2002

I finally got my copy of The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management that Jill Dyché sent me via Linda and it is more than I expected. I just finished reading The Mobile Internet: How Japan Dialed up and the West Disconnected and am struck by how these two books complement each other. There is much to digest and ponder. Jill Dyché is a principal in her company, Baseline Consulting, and the web site is worth checking out. I will be honest and say that the site's design leaves much to be desired - too much emphasis on wiz-bang visuals and too little on useability. I do not like the pop-up box that wastes screen real estate and makes one scroll through a small text box, but I do like the content and message. As onerous as it is to navigate, it's still worth the time and effort.

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